Co2 Laser Machine Training Sessions

Looking to expand your knowledge? Maybe you'd just like a refresh on a particular topic? At Focused Laser Systems we offer a wide range of affordable training courses both in-person and remotely.

Co2 Laser Machine Training Sessions

Have you thought about getting professional, hands on laser machine training ? Whether it's for total beginners wanting to learn as much as you can or for users that want a refresher session and some tailored tips on how to best use their machine. We have options to suit everyone's needs and lifestyles.

For you to get the most out of our training sessions we offer both group ( up to 4 people ) and bespoke 1 - 1 sessions to ensure all your criteria are met.


  • Walk around and demonstration of the laser machines functions and capabilities.

  • An in-depth look into the key features and functions that are available with RDWorks / Lightburn & an overview on other available software.

  • Basic vector artwork design is covered to get a confident start for every user ( advanced design courses available separately ).

  • Complete machine job set-up and overview of optimal starting procedures dependant on material and chosen processing mode​.

  • Tips and tricks to achieve the best results for different materials and applications.

  • Detailed demonstration of laser alignment to ensure your machine is always cutting efficiently & how to tell if it needs adjusting.

  • Overview of how your laser tube and chiller unit work and also how they work together to ensure maximum efficiency.

  • Walk through of common user errors and helpful tips on what you can adjust yourself if your machine isn't cutting as it should be.

Vector Design Courses

Here at Focused Laser Systems we like to help utilise your laser machine to it's maximum potential. That's why we're offering online design courses for just £30 an hour to help you unlock the full potential of your machine and take your business to the next level.

Our design courses are suitable for all skill levels, from introduction designs to advanced layered vector designs.

We have knowledge across multiple designing software including -

  • RDWorks

  • Lightburn

  • Inkscape

  • CorelDraw

  • Adobe Illustrator

Our online vector design courses are typically 1 - 1 sessions so you can get the most out of the course, this will be fully bespoke and tailored to your skill level so we can cover everything you would like to learn and further develop your skills.

Design courses, although typically 1 - 1, can be for group sessions ( up to 3 people ) if you have multiple staff members however, this type of course would be best suited for a site visit in order to fully utilise the time and answer individual questions and needs within the group.